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School Ambassadors Blog

October 2023

Welcome to the 2023 Ambassador Blog by the School Ambassadors, we are Annabelle, Kuba and Rory. This week we will be talking about our trip to the Cornerstone Church in Cwmbach. We went there to donate all the food from Harvest that was given by all of you. When we arrived, we went in and met the head volunteer called Libby, she showed us around. Then we collected all the food and took it inside the Church. After that, we put it all out on to the stage to take some photos. They were all lovely people and all the food will be given to local people in Cwmbach who are in need, which makes it even better. Also, we found it even more fascinating that all the people there are volunteers.

They also do a Winter Warm Hub where they offer a warm place to stay for a few hours and a nice hot meal. The Cornerstone Church holds many more features, such as a baptism pool, Weddings and Coffee Mornings on a Monday and Wednesday. Where they give warm breakfasts for those who need to talk to someone or are looking for some company, they serve toast with jam, butter etc.

We thank Cornerstone church so much for inviting us to visit. We also thank all of you for the amazing donations. They really will make a difference in our village!!!



Edition 10

Hi we are the Prefects (as most of you know) back in action with an older class called Dosbarth Emrallt so sit back relax and let's dive into another amazing class! Let's do this!

Dosbarth Emrallt’s topic is Forbidden Forest, and they are currently learning about deforestation. All the amazing class love to learn about their interesting topic, and their kind and caring teachers make it fun, and they come up with exciting activities for the class to do. Many of the pupils told us what they like to do in School, and they said, “Topic because you get to be creative”, they all love Maths and finally Science. Although they enjoy all of these educational things.

The children also told us about what they did well in work this week, such as they all did amazing bar graphs, amazing posters of Seren a Sbarc, and made something Welsh on book creator to say why we should all speak Welsh.

Now it is time to see what the teachers think...

The teachers think that there has been a big impact on their learning, especially with relative clauses and research skills on deforestation and that it has been a great week!

This has been an amazing class, but now it's time to say... this has been your Prefects signing out.


Edition 9

Hello, we are the Prefects back in action with a fantastic class called Dosbarth Ysgarled. They love learning so sit back, relax and enjoy as we tell you all about how well-behaved the class is and what they have learnt in class. 

Their topic is Adventures in Time and Space, which they enjoy very much, and they enjoyed their wonderful school trip to Techniquest. They also enjoy watching Doctor Who, since it is all based on their topic. They really enjoy being creative with their brand-new colourful topic books. On their Dazzle Day they loved it because they did so much fun stuff like they made their own pizza! 

Some of the pupils told us that learning is their hobby, and they all love doing the amazing Mathletics in the house for homework. They also enjoy learning about space, which is mostly about the solar system. 

They told us the year so far has been good, and they told us some of the classroom rules: They don’t talk when a teacher is talking, and they also always respect members of staff. 

Thank you and thank you to Dosbarth Ysgarled you have been amazing; we are the Prefects sign out!