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Dosbarth Efydd

Croeso I Dosbarth Efydd!

We are the learning support class for Key Stage 2. In our class you will find Miss Richards, our class teacher, Miss Portingale and Miss John, our classroom teaching assistants, Miss Hopson, a braille support assistant, and 8 wonderful children.

This class covers all areas of learning and experience through a calm, nurturing and practical approach. Pupils access specific interventions throughout the week to support the targets within their IDP. 

Pupils are encouraged to develop their independence and life-skills throughout daily activities.

Dosbarth Efydd’s daily affirmations are “We are smart, we are brave, we are kind, we are helpful, we are unique”.

Our pupils are encouraged to read daily. It would be helpful if reading books could be returned to school each Friday for books to be changed to send home on a Monday.

Apps we use in Dosbarth Efydd:

  • We use SeeSaw daily in class to celebrate and share children’s work. Parents are able to ask any questions they may have through the messenger aspect of SeeSaw.
  • PurpleMash can also be accessed at home and provides children with a number of games, reading opportunities and quizzes to practise what they have learnt in class.
  • Schoop is currently our whole school messaging service. The app can be downloaded to Android and Apple, allowing you to subscribe to our school channel (11150). Schoop is used to share our weekly newsletters and any important class notices or events.



Our class will be taking part in swimming lessons for their Autumn Term PE sessions each Monday. Please can you send in swimming shorts and a towel with your child for these lessons.  


Our Forest School day is every other Friday, with the first session of the Autumn Term on the 15th September.  Please can children bring a coat and wellies for our Forest School sessions.


Our topic for the Spring Term is ‘Disaster Zone!’.

The topic Dazzle Day will involves the children taking part in an immersive day to engage them in this new and exciting topic. They will participate in activities such as building a structure to withstand an ‘earthquake’ and creating their own flood barriers. The class will also have a workshop or trip linked to their topic which will be confirmed later in the term. 

The Class Community Event will take place at the end of the Spring Term. The children will be becoming expert news reporters and sharing everything they have learnt about natural disasters throughout the topic.