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Additional Learning Needs

At Cwmbach Community Primary School, we strongly believe in ensuring your child should have an equal opportunity to an education.  We understand that not all children access the curriculum at the same pace and may be identified as having Additional Learning Needs. 

Any child with Additional Learning Needs at Cwmbach Community Primary School, will receive a high quality and differentiated curriculum which is designed to meet their individual needs.  In addition, they will have access to Additional Learning Provision, where they will have further support to revisit and practise their individual targets.

We are fortunate as a school to have a learning support class at Cwmbach Primary School.  We have places for 18 pupils aged between 5–11 years with complex learning needs based in RCT. Places for this provision are allocated by Access and Inclusion Services at RCT.

The classes are run by highly qualified and experienced staff members, who work effectively as a team, comprising of an ALN teacher, Level 3 Teaching Assistant and Learning Support Assistant, (LSA). It is the aim of the class teacher that the Governing Body, every member of staff and visiting students will receive information about the children in the class and their particular needs.

If you feel your child may have Additional Learning Needs and need further support, then please contact the school via the contact details or by emailing the school’s Additional Learning Needs Coordinator