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Dosbarth Aur

Croeso I Dosbarth Aur 

In Dosbarth Aur the class teacher is Mrs Fenaroli. We currently have 30 pupils and Mrs Thomas covers PPA every other Thursday.   

In Dosbarth Aur our aim is to provide exciting and challenging activities that stimulate curiosity and creativity while setting high expectations.  We hope that by the end of Year 6 your child will have developed their independence and become confident individuals who have the communication skills for the future ahead of them. 

We promote kindness and wellbeing in Dosbarth Aur which supports your child with a positive learning experience.  Numeracy and Language are carried out in the morning sessions along with table top activities and guided reading.  Topic work is undertaken in the afternoons alongside our Forest School, PE and Thrive sessions. 

Each pupil chooses a library/reading book that goes home daily to practice and comes back to school each day.  

Pupils are encouraged to bring a water bottle to be able to access water regularly throughout the day.

Apps we use in Dosbarth Aur:

  • We use SeeSaw daily in class to share children’s work.  SeeSaw is also used to communicate the children’s reading progress weekly and parents are able to ask any questions they may have through the messenger aspect of SeeSaw.
  • Schoop is currently our whole school messaging service. The app can be downloaded to android and apple allowing you to subscribe to our school channel (11150) Schoop is used to share our weekly newsletters and any important class notices or events.



Our class PE session is every other Wednesday beginning on Wednesday 10th January in the Spring Term.  Children will need to come to school in suitable clothes for the session.  


Our Forest School session takes place every other Wednesday starting on Wednesday 17th January in the Spring Term.  Children will need a coat and suitable footwear for the session. 

Summer Term Topic: Champions 2024

Through this topic we will learn about the history of the Olympics and where and what is included in this year's Olympics in Paris. Our main focus is to make measured decisions from our investigations about how the body works and how our body systems interact with each other. We will consider the impact of diet and exercise on our physical and mental health. Looking at the importance of food groups and what we need to stay healthy. Within the investigations on diet we will consider the relationship between religion and food. Our project culminates with a fitness video to share techniques and advice.

For our well-being, we will continue to focus on having the confidence to join a new group and cooperate with other members. We will also be investigating calming techniques within our forest school sessions. We will focus on ensuring pupils are able to positively work and learn together with others, as well as developing the skill of checking work for mistakes. In physical development, pupils will be learning a variety of athletic skills and keeping individual records to improve their skills.

We continue to work on our independence skills throughout the term.