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Dosbarth Emrallt

Croeso i Dosbarth Emrallt!

The teachers in our class are: Miss Williams, Miss Griffiths (TA who joins us in the mornings) and Mrs Thomas covers PPA every other Thursday. Our classroom is a happy and safe space for everyone, where we all listen and respect each other. We have high expectations of ourselves and our work, and enjoying sharing what we have done in the school day on SeeSaw.

Apps we use in Dosbarth Emrallt:

  • We use SeeSaw daily in class to share children’s work.  SeeSaw is also used to communicate the children’s reading progress weekly and parents are able to ask any questions they may have through the messenger aspect of SeeSaw.
  • Children can access Mathletics from home, their log ins have been sent home.
  • Schoop is currently our whole school messaging service, the app can be downloaded to android and apple allowing you to subscribe to our school channel (11150) Schoop is used to share our weekly newsletters and any important class notices or events.


For our PE sessions this term pupils will be going swimming.  Sessions will be every Friday afternoon day starting Friday 22nd September.  Can pupils please bring a towel and appropriate swimwear (one piece for girls) for these sessions. 


Our Forest School day is every other Monday.  Our first session of the Autumn term will be Monday 18th September.  Children will need a coat and wellies for the sessions.

Things to Note:

  • Pupils have access to the class and school library at all times and are welcome to take home the books they’re reading in school, but they do need to bring them back in daily.
  • It is very important that all items of clothing children come to school with are clearly labelled with the child’s name, as items do get forgotten and are hard to reunite with owners when they aren't labelled.
  • Children require a water bottle each day and a healthy snack for breaktime.  We are a healthy school, please only send healthy snacks and plain water.  
  • We are also a nut-free school due to severe allergies, so please ensure any snacks/packed lunches are nut-free.
  • If you know your child has difficulty going to the toilet or getting to the toilet on time please ensure that a bag with a clean change of clothes is provided each day.

Our Summer Term Topic will be ‘Champions - Paris 2024’.

More details about the topic and the planned learning for the term can be found in the curriculum leaflet below.