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Dosbarth Porffor

Croeso i Dosbarth Porffor!

In Dosbarth Porffor you will find a multisensory play-based classroom that ensures all children’s needs are met through a rich sensory play-based approach where the curriculum is tailored to the individual child. You will find three welcoming members of staff; the class teacher, Miss Miles, and the learning support assistants, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Williams. We strive to promote independence with happiness at the heart of our learning through fun, engaging and practical activities with the pupils at the centre of all our approaches.

Apps we use in Dosbarth Porffor:

  • We use SeeSaw daily in class to share children’s work. Parents are able to ask any questions they may have through the messenger aspect of the app.
  • Schoop is currently our whole school messaging service. The app can be downloaded to Android and Apple, allowing you to subscribe to our school channel (11150). Schoop is used to share our weekly newsletters and any important class notices or events.


Forest school is every other Friday starting the week beginning 18th September. Please ensure your child has a change of wellies and water-proof clothing in school. We will keep these in school until each school holiday where they will be sent home and then brought back at the beginning of term.

Things to Note:

  • Please ensure the pupils are always in appropriate footwear to enable continuous practise of the pupils gross motor skills.
  • It is very important that all items of clothing children come to school with are clearly labelled with the child’s name.
  • Children require a labelled water bottle each day and a healthy snack for breaktime in a labelled pot.  We are a healthy school, please only send healthy snacks and plain water.  


Our Summer Term topic is ‘Round and Round the Garden’.

Our topic this term is called Round and Round the Garden. The aim of the topic is to learn about how we respect and value living things and their environment.