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Dosbarth Melyn

Croeso i Dosbarth Melyn!

Dosbarth Melyn is taught by Mr James and Mrs Thomas. In Dosbarth Melyn, we wish to provide a caring and fun environment for your child to thrive.

We plan activities that allow your child to be creative, independent and resilient whilst exploring and taking part in real life experiences.  

We encourage your child to develop their independence by taking responsibility and ownership over their learning and belongings. Every week your child participates in a Pupil Voice session, where they are encouraged to come up with ideas on how and what they want to learn linked to our books and topic.

Apps we use in Dosbarth Melyn:

  • We use SeeSaw daily in class to celebrate and share children’s work. Children are encouraged to independently photograph and upload images and videos of their work, particularly their OWL activities in the afternoon to share with parents.
  • We also use SeeSaw to communicate your child’s weekly reading progress. We encourage parents to ask any questions they have about their child’s reading progress via messenger.  
  • PurpleMash can also be accessed at home and provides your child with a number of games, reading opportunities and quizzes to allow them to practise previously taught skills from class at home.
  • Schoop is currently our whole school messaging service. The app can be downloaded to Android and Apple, allowing you to subscribe to our school channel (11150) Schoop is used to share our weekly newsletters and any important class notices or events.



Our PE day is every other Thursday.  Children need to come to school in suitable clothing for their PE session.


Our Forest School day is every other Wednesday afternoon.  Children will need a coat and wellies for the session.            

Things to Note:

  • Your child has an allocated reading day which is shared with you via a Schoop message. These days, your child will read with a member of staff, and their reading book will be changed to practise at home.

          This term:

          Monday – Rainbows

          Tuesday – Stars

          Wednesday – Clouds

          Thursday – Suns

          Friday – Moons

  • It is very important that all items of clothing children come to school with are clearly labelled with the child’s name.
  • Children require a labelled water bottle each day and a healthy snack for breaktime in a labelled pot.  We are a healthy school, please only send healthy snacks and plain water.  
  • If you know your child has difficulty going to the toilet or getting to the toilet on time, please ensure that a bag with a clean change of clothes is provided each day.


Our topic for the Summer Term is ‘Vibrant Valleys!’

For more information about this terms topic please see the topic leaflet below.