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Dosbarth Gwyrdd

Croeso i Dosbarth Gwyrdd.

In Dosbarth Gwyrdd we have two members of staff, Miss Thomas and Mrs Kear. We currently have 27 children in our class. Mrs Phillips covers Miss Thomas’ PPA every other Monday.

Our classroom is a fun and engaging environment where the children feel safe, happy and supported. Throughout our day, we engage in purposeful and authentic learning activities which enable our children to challenge themselves through real-life contexts, developing their creativity, curiosity and independence.

In Dosbarth Gwyrdd we enjoy spending time with our friends, we share and take turns, and we always use our best manners. A typical day in Dosbarth Gwyrdd includes literacy and mathematics in the morning sessions and topic work in the afternoons. During our afternoon sessions, children will engage in OWL activities where they will continue to develop their independence and resilience. To help us plan our OWL activities, the children enjoy listening to topic-related stories and using ‘pupil-voice’ to help us plan meaningful activities that the children are excited about engaging in. We are independent whilst engaging in our OWL activities, but we know if we are a little stuck, we can always ask a friend for help. In Dosbarth Gwyrdd we celebrate all our wonderful learning and achievements through our classroom displays, making our learning environment colourful, fun and purposeful.

We are extremely excited about beginning our Autumn term and making fun memories through our learning experiences.

Apps we use in Dosbarth Gwyrdd:

  • We use SeeSaw daily in class to share children’s work.  SeeSaw is also used to communicate the children’s reading progress weekly and parents are able to ask any questions they may have through the messenger aspect of SeeSaw.
  • PurpleMash can also be accessed at home and provides children with a number of games, reading opportunities and quizzes to practise what they have learnt in class.  Your child will have their own Login details which you will be given.
  • Schoop is currently our whole school messaging service. The app can be downloaded to Android and Apple, allowing you to subscribe to our school channel (11150). Schoop is used to share our weekly newsletters and any important class notices or events.



Our PE day is every other Friday starting on Friday 22nd September.  Children need to come to school in their PE kits on PE days.


Our Forest School session is every other Thursday, starting on Thursday 14th September.  Children need a coat and wellies for sessions.


Things to Note:

  • Book bags are to be brought in on your child’s reading day along with word lists. Personal messages have been sent via Seesaw stating the reading day of each child.
  • Reading books are changed weekly on your child’s specified day. Therefore, it is important that your child returns their reading books on their reading day. Reading updates are sent via Seesaw weekly.
  • It is very important that all items of clothing children come to school with are clearly labelled with the child’s name.
  • Children require a labelled water bottle each day and a healthy snack for breaktime in a labelled pot.  We are a healthy school, please only send healthy snacks and plain water.  

Our Summer Term Topic is ‘Vibrant Valleys!’

For more information about this terms topic please see the topic leaflet below.